This opinion paper focuses on understanding intentional and experiential aspects of yoga as a movement-based contemplative practice. Read on to find out.
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Various research on mind-body exercise programs such as yoga has shown positive mental and physical benefits for patients with cardiovascular disease.
Ever curious what yoga mindfulness is all about. This article explains how a yoga practitioner can reach a state of deep relaxation. Read on to find out!
This article discusses how yoga, as a mindful exercise, is beneficial in managing specific musculoskeletal health concerns and improve self awareness.
The 2014 research from the University of Minnesota indicates that practicing meditation and yoga long term can actually help train the brain. Learn more!
A study from the University of Washington found that practicing yoga regularly can improve dietary habits, hence reduce body mass index. Read on for more!
Yoga is known to bestow mental benefits such as a more relaxed mind, and that yoga is also a contributing factor to the brain gains. Read on for more.